Skylar Hamilton Burris earned her B.A. in English and Economics from the University of Virginia and her M.A. in English from the University of Texas at Brownsville. She is the editor and publisher of Ancient Paths Literary Magazine and author of four novels, a collection of poetry, and a collection of literary criticism.
Born and raised in Virginia, Skylar now resides in Texas. Her poetry, short stories, and articles have appeared in numerous periodicals, including The Lyric, The Mensa Bulletin, Schuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts, Time of Singing, and The First Line. See below for a full list of publication credits.
Poetry Publication Credits:
"A Greater Sound By Far." Aim: America's Intercultural Magazine. 20.4 (Winter 1993-4): 47. The Red and Blue. 54.3 (October 1996): 23. Wide Awake. 4.2 (Fall 1996): 20.
"A Poet's Pain." Positive Prospector. 20 (August 1995): 2.
"Another Beggar at the Door." Wide Awake. 4.2 (Fall 1996): 20. Society of St. Andrew Report. 15.2 (1999): 4.
"Comfort." The Ascent. Spring 1994: 49.
"Confederate." The Poet's Pen. 12:1 (1999): 23.
"Faith." Dreambuilding Crusade. 4.2 (1995): 6.
"Gray World." Wide Awake. 3.1 (Spring 1995): 21.
"He Stoops to Conquer" Bible Advocate. 134.8 (Fall 2000): 23.
"I Was Not Told." Wide Awake. 3.1 (Spring 1995): 21. Ancient Paths. Issue 3 (Fall 1999): 14.
“Imprint.” The Lyric. 81.4 (Fall 2001): 122. Ancient Paths. 9 (Fall 2002): title page.
"In Spring." The Ascent. Fall 1993: 44.
"Lament For A Divided Nation." Valley Morning Star. January 20, 1999.
"Last Thoughts." Straight. April 16, 1995: 9. Princess. Spring 1995: 5.
"Let Me Rage." Time of Singing. 27.1 (Spring 2000): 22.
"My Grace." About Such Things. 4.2 (Spring 2000): 4.
"My Mind is a Fine Machine." The Ascent. Fall 1993: 49.
"My True Love." Princess. Spring 1995: 5.
"New Love." Lines and Rhymes. 7.1 (1995): 3.
"Not By Bread Alone." St. Linus Review. Fall 2005.
"The Palsied Man." St. Linus Review. Spring 2005.
"Shadow." The Lyric. 77.1 (Winter 1997): 6. Time of Singing. 26.3 (1999): 12.
"Silent Stains." Adoration. 1.3 (Summer 200): 8.
"Sometimes I Dream." The Penwood Review. 4.2 (Fall 2000): 7.
"Spring." The Ascent. Fall 1993: 44.
"Summer." Voicings from the High Country. Spring 2003: 28.
"The Balm of Gilead." Standard. 69.52 (December 28, 2003): 5
"The Glory of Home." The Green Tricycle. Issue 3 (1999). Online. Head in the Clouds (first place poetry contest). Online. The Fellowship Link. Fall 2002: 18.
"The Lesson." Sacred Journey. 51.4 (August 2000): 45. Blackwidow's Web of Poetry. 14 (Sept/Dec. 2003): 2.
"The Paths." Silver Wings. 35 (2003): 12.
"Thief." The Ascent. Spring 1994: 48.
"Thirst." The Poet's Pen. 12.1 (1999): 22.
"Though Not Divine." Straight from the Heart. August 2000.
"To Forget." The Ascent. Fall 1993: 35.
"Town of Truthfulness." Wide Awake. 4.2 (Fall 1996): 20.
"Unfinished Business." Time of Singing. 45.2 (2018).
"Westminster Abbey." Adoration. 1.2 (Summer 2000): 20.
"What Yet Can You Perceive?" Tucumcari Literary Review. 94 (July/August 1999): 24. Spring Hill Review 3.6 (June 2003): 12.
"Why, Little Boy." Nomad's Choir. 5.4 (1997): 7. Wide Awake. 4.2 (Fall 1996): 20.
Published Books:
A Greater Sound by Far. 2010.
An Unlikely Missionary. Double Edge Press, 2008.
Christian Literary Criticism. 2010.
Conviction. Double Edge Press, 2006.
The 2015 Dallas-Fort Worth Guide to Surviving Summer With Kids. 2015.
The 2011 D.C.-Area Guide to Surviving Summer With Kids. 2011.
The Strange Marriage of Anne De Bourgh. 2013.
When the Heart Is Laid Bare. Double Edge Press, 2014.
Short Story Publication Credits:
"Mannhood." The Mensa Bulletin. October 2015: 42.
"The Morning after Mourning." The Mensa Bulletin. September 2019: 36.
"The Patient." Hoborbal Mention. Third Annual Collin College NaNoWriMo 2024 Flash Fiction Contest.
"Nothing Can Bring Back the Hour." Big Pulp Magazine. March 2012: 129.
"Once Lush Fields." Raconteur. 2.11 (June 1995): 25. Schuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts. 18 (Spring 2004): 98.
"Revenge." The First Line. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 (serialized in four parts).
"Then the Darkness Came." The Ascent. Spring 1994: 50.
Published Papers and Articles:
"Biblical Imagery in Gerard Manley Hopkins's 'God's Grandeur.'" The Victorian Web.
Book Reviews (webpage design and content). SCETNet for English & Communication: A Virtual English Department. CD-ROM. 1998.
"Five Fiery Films: Movies That Breed Controversy." GoogoBits.com (2005).
“Five Fine Feel-Good Dramas." GoogoBits.com (2005).
"How to Choose an Editor." Small Press Review. 36.5 (May-June 2004): 17.
"How to Choose a Mail Order DVD Service." GoogoBits.com. (June 2005).
"How to Choose a Print on Demand Publisher." GoogoBits.com (May 2005).
"How to Publish Your Poetry in Magazines." GoogoBits.com (May 2005). May 2005.
"How to Start Your Own Literary Magazine." GoogoBits.com (June 2005).
"Overlooked Romantic Films: Seven Unexpected Gems." GoogoBits.com (2005).
"The Rise of Fanfiction." Small Press Review. 36.7 (July-August 2004): 15.
"The Top Ten Pet Peeves of Literary Magazine Editors." GoogoBits.com (May 2005).
"How to Master the Literature GRE." GoogoBits.com (May 2005).
Creative Nonfiction Publication Credits:
"Father Dearest" (narrative). Bygone Days: Fondly Remembered. Clifton: Pocol Press, 2000.
"Madman, Blasphemer, or Son of God?" Montgomery's Journey. 5.2 (June 2003): 38. Wide Awake. 4.2 (Fall 1996)
Conference Presentations:
"'From Man's Effeminate Slackness it Begins:' Uxoriousness and the Expansion of Genesis in John Milton's Paradise Lost" (paper). Southwestern Conference on Christianity and Literature. October 1, 1999.
Original Poetry Selections (poetry reading). Southwestern Conference on Christianity and Literature. October 1, 1999